FDA Advises That Cold Medications for Infants and Toddlers Can Carry a Serious Risk. Rest and Extra Care Are Key!

Ttoddler with a coldhe FDA warns that Over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medicine should not be given to children younger than 2 because they could cause serious and potentially deadly side effects. Antibiotics aren’t a cure either because they treat bacterial infections, while colds are usually caused by viruses. Some cold symptoms help the patient. For instance, coughs are a normal symptom of a cold that help the body clear mucus out of the airway and protect the lungs. So, you don’t want to suppress all symptoms.  Suggested Non-drug treatments for coughs included… drinking plenty of fluids, especially warm drinks to sooth the throat.

What Should I Do When My Infant or Toddler Gets a Cold?

Children get more colds than adults and concerned parents might want to give them pain relievers, decongestants and other medicines, but often the best approach is good ole fashioned rest and care. With colds it’s important to know that all patients will get better on their own in a week or two without any need for medications. For older children, some over the counter medicines can help relieve the symptoms but they won’t make the cold go away any faster. Bottom line… Don’t Give Infants and Toddlers Cold Medications

 Your Child Needs to See a Doctor If…

  • An infant aged 2 months or younger has a fever
  • Any patient over than 2 months who has a fever of 102 Fahrenheit or higher
  • Breathing problems, including nostrils widening with each breath, wheezing, fast breathing or the ribs showing with each breath.
  • Blue lips, ear pain, not eating or drinking, signs of dehydration.
  • Excessive crankiness or sleepiness
  • A cough that lasts for more than three weeks

Contact Us (859-525-8181) if you have any questions about this subject. We would be happy to discuss this with you.